英文原版小说Geronimo Stilton Journey Through Time#8Out of Time老鼠记者时空穿梭世界史系列Scholastic学乐儿童全彩章节桥梁书使用感如何?


Geronimo Stilton's "Journey Through Time" is an exciting series that takes readers on a thrilling adventure through history. The eighth book in the series, "Out of Time," continues the tradition of combining historical facts with Geronimo's unique perspective as a mouse journalist.

In "Out of Time," Geronimo and his friends embark on a journey to explore different eras of history, from ancient Egypt to the Roman Empire, and even further back in time. Through their travels, they learn about important historical events and figures, while also discovering the secrets and mysteries that lie within each era.

What sets this series apart is its unique blend of historical accuracy and imaginative storytelling. Geronimo's unique perspective as a mouse allows him to see the world in a different way, making the historical events and figures more relatable and engaging for young readers. The full-color illustrations and easy-to-read chapters also make the book accessible and enjoyable for children.

"Out of Time" is a perfect choice for children who love adventure, history, and神秘元素. It not only entertains but also educates, providing a fun and informative way to learn about world history. Whether you're a fan of Geronimo Stilton or just looking for a new and exciting historical adventure, "Out of Time" is sure to captivate your imagination.

所在地:广东 广州

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