




Christmas, also known as Christmas Day, is a western festival with a long history. It originated from the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia, which later merged with the Christian commemoration of Jesus' birth. Gradually, Christmas has become a festival full of joy, hope and blessings.


1. Christmas Trees

One of the most iconic symbols of Christmas is the Christmas tree. Families often decorate their trees with colorful lights, ornaments, and tinsel, creating a festive atmosphere.

2. Gifts and Stockings

On Christmas Eve, children often hang up stockings, hoping to receive gifts from Santa Claus. The next morning, they wake up to find their stockings filled with presents, bringing joy and surprise.

3. Christmas Dinner

Christmas dinner is a must-have for the festival. Families gather together to enjoy a sumptuous meal, often including turkey, pudding, and various desserts.

4. Caroling

Caroling is a traditional way to celebrate Christmas. People sing Christmas carols, either in groups or as families, to share the joy of the season.


Christmas falls on December 25th every year. It marks the end of the year and the beginning of a new one, bringing hope and blessings to people all over the world.


Christmas is a festival full of joy, warmth, and traditions. It is a time for families to gather, exchange gifts, and enjoy each other's company. Through understanding its origins, customs, and the significance of the date, we can better appreciate this wonderful western tradition and share its joy with our loved ones.

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